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Laura Glover Shines Light on Artists and a Still Vital Cause

April 19, 2018

The popular annual fundraising event that features a cavalcade of  Indianapolis artists representing various performing arts organizations and benefits the Indiana Aids Fund, a program of the Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis, is just days away. This year’s “Deborah J. Simon Spotlight” will take place... read more

Feinstein protégés to share Palladium stage with their mentor

April 18, 2018

It will be an auspicious homecoming on Saturday, April 21 at 8 p.m. for Nick Ziobro and Julia Goodwin, when they join, the five-time Grammy-nominated singer and Great American Songbook revivalist who helped discover them. Together, they will perform in “Michael Feinstein with Special Guests... read more

Mayor Joe Hogsett’s Arts support runs deep

April 13, 2018

I met Mayor Joe Hogsett in 2011 when he was considering a run against then-incumbent Mayor Greg Ballard, but opted to stay out of the race that would eventually result in the defeat of Democrat Melina Kennedy, deputy mayor under former Mayor Bart Peterson. A... read more

‘Divos (the Men)’ combines pop music with emotion-inducing dance

April 7, 2018

If you missed seeing Dance Kaleidoscope‘s smash hit “Divos” at last summer’s IndyFringe Theatre Festival, or wish to experience it again, here’s your chance. Choreographed by DK dancers, set to music of their favorite male singers, the pieces, along with two others by DK artistic... read more