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Physician-Artist Climbs Staircase One Step At A Time

July 31, 2021

    You may have seen him walking the halls attending to patients at Eskenazi, Methodist, University, Riley or other hospitals in the IU Health system or you may have noticed him in a TV commercial for PeopleReady employment agency, in which he appears with... read more

Summer Stock Stage’s ‘Chicago’ Sizzles At The Park

July 24, 2021

Last night, I joined fairly new friends Fernando and Rick to see “Chicago,” presented by Summer Stock Stage at The Park, the outdoor venue at Phoenix Theatre. The savvy couple, who recently relocated from L.A. to Indy, are knowledgeable about the performing arts, have sophisticated... read more

Steven Stolen Is A Man For All Seasons

July 9, 2021

During my late thirties, I enjoyed some very special time with male friends, who would meet at my 46th Street bungalow on the edge of Indy’s SoBro for a salon of sorts that became known as “Couch Talk.” During these gatherings, at which snacks and... read more

Aspiring Artists Light Up The Park At The Phoenix In ’13’

July 3, 2021

      There is no better prescription for pandemic fatigue than experiencing live performance and the human connection we’ve all desperately missed. Such was the case Saturday, June 31 at The Park, a new outdoor venue at Phoenix Theatre Cultural Centre, where I saw... read more