“Divos” – Courtesy of IndyFringe. Used by permission.
In terms of physical ability, a dancer’s life as a performer is relatively short, so it is not uncommon for many to make a transition to choreographing or teaching. If the pieces choreographed by Dance Kaleidoscope company members and presented in “DIVOS,” Friday, at Theatre on The Square are any indication, the future of contemporary dance is in very good hands, indeed.
The program’s seven works and their creators included: “Surround Yourself” by Stuart Coleman; “Dangerous Diana” by Brandon Comer; “Zeppelin” by Jillian Godwin; “Keep The Faith” by Mariel Greenlee; “Hurt” by Timothy June; “You Take My Breath Away” by Paige Robinson; and “Dream On” by Missy Thompson.
In trying to decide which of the pieces was my favorite, I found it nearly impossible to single out any one of them. Each, notable in its own right, was set to the music of the choreographer’s favorite male singer and reflected the dance artists’ individuality and aesthetics. Based on elements of each dancer’s personal lives, each dance was also very revealing as were their comments when they individually introduced their work. I was struck by just how vulnerable the artists were willing to be as they courageously shared their feelings in such a public manner—both in their work and in their own words.
As far as the choreography itself—it was obvious that each dancer had brought their tremendous experience and knowledge as dancers to bear in work that was fresh and innovative. The music choices of each dancer, which included that of Rod Stewart, Michael Jackson, Led Zeppelin, George Michael, Johnny Cash, Queen and Steven Tyler of Aerosmith made for an eclectic program that was alternately joyful, touching, inspirational and ultimately, highly entertaining. So much so that time simply flew by, leaving me to yearn for more.
Athletic and focused the company appeared as strong as ever with veterans Timothy June, Mariel Greenlee, Caitlin Negron, Brandon Coomer and apprentice Cody Miley standing out. Though the group has had some turnover, having lost some dancers who have since moved on, there are new faces. Performing as apprentices with the company and showing great promise are Marie Kuhns and Manuel Valdes.
You have one more chance to see “DIVOS” tonight at 10:30 p.m. on the Theatre on the Square main stage.
IndyFringe Festival
Through -Sunday, Aug. 27
Eight stages along Mass Ave
Tickets: $15 adult/$12 student-senior/$10 children under 12
Buy tickets online at indyfringe.org
Sunday, Aug. 27, 8:30 p.m.
Firefighters Union Hall, 748 Mass Ave
Festival awards and wrap-up party
Located at the Firefighters Union Hall, 748 Mass Ave
Through -Sunday, Aug. 27
Information booth staff will provide programs, updates on shows and ticket availability
Tickets for all shows can be purchased at Central Box Office – right next to Information Booth
$1 fee on all tickets purchased at central ticketing and individual theatre box offices
Three-minute walk will take you to any theatre
Online: indyfringe.org, 24 hours a day and up to 60 minutes before a show
By phone: Call 317-308-9800, 12:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Ticket fee information:
Tickets purchased online are subject to $1 fee per ticket
Tickets at Central Box Office and theatres subject to $1 fee per ticket
Tickets purchased in person using credit/debit card are subject to $1 fee per ticket